DevOps Online Training

Duration: 30 Hrs.

linux administrator training in india

Why to Learn DevOps ?

1. To be a or two Step ahead in your team.
2. This is the era of Devops and most used tools are added into this course.

About the Course

This Course is Designed for working professional

Course Content.

Version control system with Git
What is VCS & why it is needed
Setup your own repo with git
Manage your code base/source code with GIT & GITHUB

OS, Virtualization & Networking
Linux Quickstart
Linux Introduction, Principles & Linux distro
Command line utilities & Basic commands
Linux Filesystem
Text Editors (VIM)
Filters & I/O Redirections
Users & Group administration
File permissions & Ownerships
Software Management: Redhat & Ubuntu
Useful tools: ssh, telnet, scp, rsync, disk utils, backups etc
Service & Process management

Introduction & Real time use cases
Vagrant on windows
Vagrant on Linux
Automating virtual machines
Vagrant & Virtualbox for Lab setup
Create & Manage your own Lab on any computer

Introduction to Public cloud with AWS
Setup your own account and Manage it
IAM: Manage users, groups, roles & policies
Secure your AWS account
Ec2 services: Instances, AMI, EIP, Security groups, key pairs
EBS: Manage Volumes for ec2, backups & restores
ELB: Load balance your own website
S3: Use S3 to host websites & as a centralised storage
Ip Addresses & Subnet Masks
VPC: Setup Highly Available & Secure network on AWS
CloudWatch: Monitor you AWS setup
Autoscaling with ELB

 Content will be added here

Docker Overview
Docker Architecture
Images and layers
Underlying technology of Docker like namespaces, cgroups etc.,
Docker CE Vs Docker EE and supported platforms
Pulling images from Docker registry
The Docker Hub
Docker Engine Installation on Linux Servers (CentOS/Ubuntu)
Docker commands
Images, ps, pull, push, run, create, commit, attach, exec, cp, rm, rmi, login, 
export, import, pause, unpause, system, volumes, build, rename, save, tag,
 network, logs, port, search, history

Docker network
Container volume management
Creating custom network (bridge)
Building custom images using Dockerfile and through container and pushing to the Docker hub
Creating containers with limited resources (CPU, memory etc.,)
Building apache with mysql database storage using Dockerfile
Assigning/remove multiple network to the running container.
Selecting storage driver for the Docker Engine
Setting limit on the resource like CPU, memory for running container
Container lifecycle

Kubernetes Orchestration:
Difference between Docker Swarm and Kubernetes Orchestration
Kubernetes overview
Kubernetes Architecture
Understanding the underlying concept of Kubernetes Orchestration
Designing a kubernetes cluster
hardware and underlying infrastructure
Service running on manage node and minions
Overview of pods, replication, deployment, service, endpoints
Deploying the application through PODs
Building multiple pods with high availability
Rolling updates of the Pods with the Deployment
Kubernetes underlying network like overlay network with flannel, etcd etc.,
Storage types in Kubernetes
Upgrading kubernetes components